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Felicity - March 20th, 2011 6:49 AM

I'm suspecting that my 12-year old daughter is bulimic. She eats a lot or what others call binge eating but I noticed that she is so obsessed with checking her weight and she does look sickly... I'm not sure... How should I confirm that she is bulimic?

Marissa34 - March 20th, 2011 5:53 PM

Observe your child closely. aside from the common thing bulimics do which is to throw up what they just had for dinner or lunch or what-have-you's, they also take laxatives that causes explosive diarrheas in the attempt to expel or remove what they just consumed.

skinny-mom - March 22nd, 2011 3:09 AM

i have been a bulimic myself when i was younger. Fortunately i have gained control with myself ever since i became a mom. Try to observe her actions right after every meal... check if she has been purging the food out after a very big meal... and yes they become too conscious with their weight...


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