Child Development Milestones:
Worrying About Delays in Physical Development

While most children develop at the same rate, give or take a few weeks, some toddlers may not seem to develop at the appropriate pace at all. Sometimes it can be difficult for a parent to know when they are over reacting and when there really is a problem. The best rule of thumb is to ask if you have any doubts. It is better to have your anxiety eased than to worry about your toddler's physical development.

To help you distinguish between a late bloomer and what is cause for concern, these child development milestones can assist you in discovering warning signs that should be brought to your pediatrician's attention.

By 13 months, your toddler�
- Is unable to squat while playing
- Has troubles climbing on and off a small chair
- Is unable to eat using her fingers

By 15 months, your toddler�
- Is unable to climb a chair in order to access an item
- Is incapable of raising himself from the floor on his own
- Has troubles holding a crayon properly and scribbling

By 18 months, your toddler�
- Is still not walking
- Has troubles going down the stairs with assistance
- Is unable to hold a crayon and scribble
- Is unable to remove his own socks

By 21 months, your toddler�
- Is unable to turn thick book pages
- Has troubles going up or down stairs while holding the handrail
- Is unable to kick a ball even when shown

By 24 months, your toddler�
- Is incapable of pushing a toy with wheels
- Has troubles running or using a spoon
- Is unable to kick a large ball when asked
- Won't try balancing on one foot

By 30 months, your toddler�
- Still requires assistance going up stairs when alternating feet
- Is unable to turn a page in a book
- Is unable to balance on one foot for a second
- Is incapable of pedaling a tricycle

By 36 months, your toddler�
- Still requires assistance going down stairs when alternating feet
- Is unable to balance on one foot for a few moments
- Is incapable of throwing overhand
- Is unable to wash and dry her hands
- Is incapable of using scissors or refuses to try cutting with scissors

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For more information on development and your child check out our child development videos.