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cyberz - April 8th, 2011 3:38 AM

yes they are! you spend hours cooing and making small talk... grrr

packers4eva - April 9th, 2011 8:53 AM

honestly ive only been to exactly 2 that i did not find boring. its mostly repetitive and i usually cant wait to get home afterwards! hahahaha!

esmeralda source - April 12th, 2011 12:17 AM

well i've only been to 1, it was all fun since we had a suprise birthday/baby shower to our friend, i guess it goes down to the guest list, we are all driends there.

Mommy Nancy - April 12th, 2011 2:12 AM

i am at an age where in a year i go to a baby shower almost1 every 3 months, and even if its repetitive i always make it a point to share how to be a good mom to the expectant mom. no matter how boring it is, its not for the celebrant.

diamondsragirlsBF - April 12th, 2011 2:57 AM

i agree with cybers. same games, same gifts, same people...

QueenAmidala - April 16th, 2011 11:07 AM

It can be boring especially if you have to play the games, have idle chitchat with acquaintances however it can also be a good bonding experience between girlfriends. so yes it can be boring but it can be fun too. i guess it depends on the company.

justinbieberfan - April 22nd, 2011 1:09 AM

Not to mention that if you've been to one baby shower you've been to hundreds! They are repetitive...full of gaggling women. Even with the games and entertainment it's really a form of recycled party!


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