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Keri Wilson - March 20th, 2011 7:32 AM

what should i feed my child with when he is vomiting? it seems the more i introduce fluid or food to avoid dehydration, he vomits more.

haley_k. - March 20th, 2011 6:02 PM

it's a common mistake that we all do... a misconception. When your child is vomiting or even having diarrhea, what happens is that his/her stomach is working way faster than normal.. so the more you introduce fluids or food, the more it gets "hyper", since it gets overwhlemed... so you need to slow down a bit so the stomach can work at a normal pace.. you should limit them to just a teaspoon at a time, using a syringe, medicine dropper, or an actual teaspoon. Your can then gradually increase the amount you give at each time as your child begins to keep it down.

Daphne^^ - March 23rd, 2011 10:39 AM

My Pediatrician told me the same thing as to what I should do but i never really got an explanation as to why. Now i see the relevance why it is restricted to a teaspoon and then gradually increasing it. Thanks haley!


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