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Cherrie - October 10th, 2010 10:37 AM

I need suggestions. My little boy is a second grader and he cries every day after school because he is already worried about going the next day. He cries in the mornings before I take him to school. He says he just wants to stay home with me. I have spoken to his teacher and she says he is fine at school. I just can not handle the tears I am dealing with at home every day!

CHAVIE - October 16th, 2010 11:44 PM

you did asked his teacher but did you ever care to ask him the reasons why he doesn't want to go to school? you should be alarmed, it's not a normal reaction however when going to school and crying out off of his chest. you need to convince him what makes him think school is not fun after all and from that you can make solutions on what to do to make him feel at ease.

Lovekids111 - October 20th, 2010 4:46 PM

Check for yourself to make sure his is doing well at school. Drop him off, drive around the block and wait for 30 minutes. Then go into the school and stand outside his classroom door where he can't see you. If he really is doing well at school don't react to his tears and pleas in the morning. Because you will know that he is doing well at school, he's just playing you. As soon as he realizes he's not going to get the attention he's looking for, he'll stop. On the other hand, if you find that he is not doing well at school, make an appointment with the teacher and let her know what your found. You may also consider something I rarely think is necessary, go speak with the principal.

Luv2BMommy - October 20th, 2010 4:46 PM

Well in my experience it can be a way to get attention or it may be something is happening at school that is making him dread going. My son no longer rides the bus home in the afternoons because he was always upset about the ride home. I discovered that he was being bullied and even after talking to the bus driver and the principle it continued and even got worse. He now rides home as a car rider and we have not had any more crying spells or fits over the afternoon ride.

luvmyEnzo - October 20th, 2010 4:47 PM

My 7 yr. old daughter does the same thing. I started telling her that if she doesn't cry in the morning or at school, she'd get a $1.00 a day. This was her incentive for not crying. So far so good! She loves getting her money and I love her being able to leave in the morning without tears. Try giving him things he likes as an incentive for not crying. It might work out for him :) Good luck!

MamaBugg - October 20th, 2010 4:50 PM

Ask him why he's so upset about school..ask the teacher to sit-in the class room all day and observe him, maybe that will give you an outlook on why he dislikes school..good luck and god bless

MamaLogic - October 20th, 2010 4:51 PM

teachers are notoriously blind when kids don't speak up openly about a problem. try to find out what makes him so upset, no friends, pressure of school work, someone picking on him. and once you do, start documenting it, you may need your notes later as you deal with it. then begin with a meeting with the school and be firm, you have to advocate for your child!


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