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Felicity - April 3rd, 2011 3:15 AM

Sometimes my anger gets the better of me especially if I'm very stressed out... i really hate it when my daughter scatter her toys around and when she tries to retaliate, I always end up spanking her.... i just lose control... :( i need help...

broOke - April 4th, 2011 2:04 AM

Though spanking can give temporary solution if the child really impossible to handle, it also gives a negative impact. Hitting models hitting. The child might get the perception that it is okay to hit someone else since mommy is doing it. You really need to learn how to control yourself. Try to think of other healthier options in dealing with your kid.

cyberz - April 5th, 2011 3:18 AM

I believe in spare the rod and spoil the child so yes I spank. But not because I lose control and definetely not over something like leaving toys. Kids will be kids and will leave things about.

Perhaps you will consider anger management classes? because spanking because of toys is really petty on your part and your reaction over something so small is unwarranted.

Grace - April 6th, 2011 3:29 AM

I think it is you who has the problem and not your child. Kids are messy by nature and you have to set an example if you want them to be neater.

Get help before you lose control completely. There is a fine line between spanking and abuse. Don't cross it.


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