Academic Success with ADHD

Many children with ADHD experience difficulties within the academic realm, and this occurs for a number of reasons. Some children are never correctly diagnosed as having ADHD and therefore measures aren't taken to provide treatment or teach coping strategies to these children. Other children enter classrooms where teachers are too busy to re-think their teaching strategies. It's no wonder that kids with ADHD have a hard time in the classroom.

Although the cards are sometimes stacked against you, take refuge in the fact that there are many, many things you can do to help your child succeed academically.

  • talk to your child's teacher: help teachers understand the challenges your son or daughter faces; come up with a program that addresses obstacles
  • consider enrolling the help of a tutor: speak with teachers about providing the tutor with key concepts or vocabulary words of lessons prior to their presentation; have tutor work through these concepts
  • schedule a few hours of homework time every day: be available during this time to assist your child's learning


Here are just three settings you can see as opportunities to help your child. Let's take an closer look at how you can use the classroom, at-home tutors and your own teaching skills to let your child flourish academically.

Helping ADHD in the Classroom
At the beginning of every school year, speak to your child's new teachers about ADHD. Set regular meetings to discuss your child's progress. If your child is undergoing treatment for ADHD, ask the teacher to help record any changes he notices.

There are certain teaching methods that work very well for children with ADD ADHD. Suggest some of the following to your child's teacher.

  • seating: put student's desk where there are fewer distractions, perhaps closer to the front so you can monitor their progress
  • give outline or presentation notes with key concepts and vocabulary words prior to presentation so ADHD student
  • allow students the opportunity to make frequent responses
  • change the instructional medium : this makes class time more stimulating for all students
  • always make rules clear: provide student with logical consequences (punishments or rewards)


Helping ADHD at Home
When your child brings home books to study from, schedule an hour or two an evening (at the same time each night) that you set away to help him on homework. Explain the concept of active reading, and then have him use the concepts behind active reading as he reads books for homework. Active reading helps with the comprehension and retention of reading material, and promotes an interactive involvement with the text. This makes it perfect for children with ADHD.

Help with Home Tutelage
Getting a tutor at home can be great for kids with ADHD, as long as you find the right tutor. This means you may have to first meet with your tutor to brainstorm strategies you know will help your child. Here are some general tips to give your tutor.

Visit our article on what techniques tutors should use when helping your child.

Remember that you and your child have a lot of help when it comes to overcoming the difficulties of ADHD. All you have to do if reach out. Chat online for support.