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Camellia - October 9th, 2010 2:42 AM

My 10month old son wants me to hold him all day. In addition, it cannot be sitting down. He wants to be held while I'm standing up. He does not crawl or walk, so I'm sure this adds to his frustration, but even doing chores with him right at my feet is not enough for him. He screams, cries, and blows raspberries (which he does when he's really mad). He'll even throw toys. Now, please don't get me wrong. I DO play with him. I DO cuddle him. I DO interact with and educate him. I do have to do some work plus household chores (laundry, dishwasher), etc. So, I personally think that it would not be realistic to be expected to hold him all day when he can play with toys right at my side. I've tried giving him his blankie, a sippy cup, etc... but to no avail. Music can help, because he loves it, but not for very long. He'd still rather be in my arms. The screaming gets really loud and makes me tense.... I don't know what to do! Any advice?

Nora - October 11th, 2010 3:15 PM

you should consult a pediatrician about his behavior because you cannot just carry him all day long when you need to do some chores at home too. do you think that has something to do with his everyday tantrums?

WorkinMama - October 14th, 2010 3:38 PM

Get a sling so you can wear him on your back. Trust me he will grow out of this soon enough. For right now just do your best to go with it.

ZenithYou - October 14th, 2010 3:39 PM

Babywearing to the rescue! We survived this only with the help of my trusty Ergo carrier. Best wishes!

September - October 14th, 2010 10:32 PM

Don't you think it has something to do with the way to handle your baby during the first trimester? Some moms carry their babies so much during the first to third months and this may affect the baby's behavior because he/she may get use to it and would think that they are not safe when not carried by their mothers.

speckonyournose - November 8th, 2010 9:33 AM

Try short periods during the day where you leave the room and come back after a minute or he learns you come back. Then expand the amount of time you're gone so he can slowly adjust.

spudsmomma - November 8th, 2010 9:34 AM

I hear playing games of peekaboo helps. Teaching them that they may not be able to see their toys, but they are still there. We honestly just started playing hopefully it will helps!

Sw33tey - November 8th, 2010 9:36 AM

Try to distract with a toy or something. Sometimes you just have to let them fuss depending on what you are doing..but then again, sometimes I would give in to the fussiness and cuddle a bit. THey will grow so fast and soon you will find yourself wishing they wanted cuddling more so eat it up now if you can!!!! You don't want to always ignore or distract, though, because physical contact is important to a babies development and sometimes they just want to be close to mommy because it feels so good to them!


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