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BlessedMamacita - October 10th, 2010 8:11 AM

im curious...

how long does it take you to put your Little One in their crib to sleep?

from the time i sit in the rocking chair in her room to feed her to the time she is actually in her crib it takes about an hour...

that seems too long? what about u guys?

glenda - October 11th, 2010 3:19 PM

i guess it depends with the child. some sleeps fast and some are just to clingy around. but in my case, i can put my 14 mos. old daughter to sleep as long as she finish a bottle of milk, say like 5-10 minutes right after.

Amy2010 - October 16th, 2010 2:28 PM

I've never actually timed it, it is what it is, but here's an estimate. I take off her diaper and put her on her potty for about 5 minutes, depending on how much pooping she needs to do. Then I put on a new diaper and wrap her up in a blanket and sleep sack. Then I nurse her to sleep for like 20 minutes. So, in total it takes about 30-40 minutes.

Babies get more efficient in their feeding as they get older, too.

Camellia - October 18th, 2010 3:24 PM

When my son was about your littleone's would take me about 3/4 an hour to get him down. Now, hes just over a year...and he nurses for about 5 minutes and then goes into his crib, I leave and he says ni ni to his 2 stuffies in the crib a few times and thats it...he's down for about 10 hours! Just remember this time with them only happens once in their lives so enjoy it for what it is and embrace how ever long it lasts for!

Candice - October 18th, 2010 3:26 PM

As for me about 15 min. BUT I sit and hold her for about 30 minutes after because I work during the day and don't see her as much as I would like. (which is 24-7) :) Also, she sleeps from 7-7 so I dont get to hold her anymore until the next morning..then it is time for work!

Cara444 - October 18th, 2010 3:26 PM

wow that is a long time...try putting her in crib before she is completely alseep and just comforting her w/ your voice untill she's totally asleep. Good luck

Seny - November 8th, 2010 10:34 PM

30 minutes to an hour is normal for me... My little one usually notices when I put him to his crib especially when he's half asleep, and then cries so much. So, I just wait for him to completely fall asleep before putting him to his crib.

Aunt1984 - November 8th, 2010 10:36 PM

when my little one looks like he's sleepy, it just take 15 mins to 25 mins at most to put him to sleep. Most babies get sleep right after feeding.


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