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Aisley - October 9th, 2010 6:58 AM

My son is almost a month old and everytime he latches, I get a sharp shooting pain in the nipple that lasts for a few seconds but it is intense. Anyone else have this or had it and if so, does it ever quit?

RockYaBaby - October 15th, 2010 7:19 PM

It could be that he needs to open his mouth wider when he first latches OR it could just be the "letdown" pain. I get that pain and it feels like stinging from my breast down to my nipple. Then it goes away after about a minute of feeding. I get that pretty much every time my baby feeds. Hope this helps!

talentedKid - October 15th, 2010 7:35 PM

I also have the letdown sting, not terribly painful and hasn't ever gone away, happens after he nurses for a few minutes as my milk lets down then stops.

CherryPie - October 15th, 2010 7:36 PM

FOr me, it took about 6 weeks before I felt even somewhat comfortable when my littleone latched on. Everyone is different. The best advice I found that helped was to express a little milk after my baby was done nursing and gently put it on my nipples and let them air dry! It helped prevent cracking. Just really watch the latch and try alternating postions to change where on your nipple your baby is sucking the hardest at.
Good luck!

Butterscotch - October 15th, 2010 7:38 PM

it is pain right when he latches on, I do get that let down feeling, which isn't painfull, it's just a weird feeling. I was once told that the pain I get right in the begginning of nursing is my nipples that are just sensitive and need to get Desensitized. If that is so, how long do I have to wait? He is 4 weeks old now

CupcakeKisses - October 15th, 2010 7:42 PM

The pain varies for everybody. As for me I started to get comfortable with my son latched on when he was about 5 weeks old. Just bare with the pain for now, trust me you'll get used to it.

Cassy_01 - November 11th, 2010 11:41 AM

I've had that as well. I think mine's worse... my little one bites it so hard when he latches, it hurts so much that I really cried my heart out. It really bled and was really wounded. That was the worst experience ever.

CatriceL - November 11th, 2010 11:44 AM

I didn't really feel this kind of intense pain, since I only breastfed my kiddo for a couple of months. Unfortunately, my breastmilk dried up so soon. I would've wanted for it to last longer for my baby's sake. too bad I was already feeding formula as early as 2months.


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