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1CrazyKidd - October 9th, 2010 2:19 AM

Is it normal that my 7 day yr old is eating around 5 to 6 oz of milk?
I'm not really sure how much I should feed him...any thoughts on this?

tina - October 9th, 2010 9:15 PM

does he cries for it, or are you feeding him even if doesn't looks hungry? some babies tend to play around with their mother's nips, some are really hungry and some are just not that hungry but still eats. just go for the normal breastfeeding time, in case he cries for more beyond the amount he needs to eat, then ask the pedia about it.

TidySam - October 14th, 2010 3:17 PM

OMGosh, YES that's alot of milk in one feeding! Baby should be taking closer to 3 oz! And some babies take a little less, even.

TinyMommy20 - October 14th, 2010 3:25 PM

my little one goes over the recommended milk intake but on average.
If your baby cries after finishing a bottle of milk then it's time to increase an oz.

My littleone is 4.5months and he's taking in 36oz per day but he's only suppose to take in 28-32oz for his age but since he doesn't vomit or have a lot of spit-ups then the pedia said it's ok. He's drinking 7oz every 4-5 hours.

wizzywigg - October 14th, 2010 3:35 PM

Basically follow this article.
it has a milk calculator in it.

snuggBugg - November 8th, 2010 9:26 AM

about 3 onces every three hours would be good but if breastfeeding just feed on demand nothing would go wrong. Do not need to time with breastfeeding or a good marker is 15 minutes on each breast

Someonescop - November 8th, 2010 9:28 AM

All the literature is strictly a guideline and based on limited research. They will all say something different. My little one has never followed any of that and she's growing great and healthy as a horse. At that age my little one only drank 2-3 oz at a time. Even now, they say she should be drinking 8oz every 4hr, but she drinks 3-5oz every 3-4hrs. Just go with your instinct and follow baby's cues. Feed on demand, he'll tell you when he's hungry


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