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Tameeka - January 2nd, 2011 4:06 AM

it seems that my oldest girl has learned to talk balk whenever she is being scolded. how do i stop this form of bad behavior?

mi@ - January 3rd, 2011 2:52 AM

reprimand or punish her. teach her that talking back is unacceptable behavior. do it early before this becomes a habit.

Angel.Carter - January 28th, 2011 6:47 AM

how does she talk back to you? is she angry? or is she just simply asking you a question to clarify your sentiments? sometimes when our children reply to our banters and the like, we quickly judge it that they are misbehaving and are showing no manners.

Nicole.Smith - January 28th, 2011 1:27 PM

i do spank my child in a manner that won't leave bruises or no blood coming out from her skin. the child needs to be disciplined in the right way. yelling or screaming at them when they made a mistake is not a good thing to do.

Kate0110 - February 1st, 2011 2:00 AM

tameeka: Do you yell or scream at her whenever you scold her?

i suggest you try to communicate with her or talk to her calmly. when my son and i argue, after that, i usually ask him why we argued or why i was mad at him. i explain to him the why's and reasons.

Mama Mia - February 10th, 2011 1:44 AM

Kate's correct, there's lot of ways to make your child express her/his feelings. why not just talk to her in a good way? :)just like what happened to me and my daughter, but ive controlled my temper cos i know we can just fix it by talking in a good way.


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