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SomeonesCop - October 13th, 2010 4:54 PM

I need some advice.

My mom watches my daughter during the week while my husband and I are at work. My daughter would usually go down at about 1 or 1:30 and nap for 1 1/2 hours without fail (she does this when she is at home with me on the weekends, too). Lately, though, my mom has been telling me that she won't go down until after 3 pm, and sleep for only 1 hour.

I thought maybe the change in nap length was because she was overtired, but when she goes down at her usual time, she would still nap for only an hour, maybe 1:15 max.

She is great during the day. Not overly cranky, nor does she seem tired. She sleeps great, and has no problems doing so. I can still get her down at a good time, and she sleeps anywhere from 11-12 hours at night.

Could my daughter be giving up naps? I have read that some little ones will give up naps around 2-3 years of age.

Any thoughts?

bobbielyn - October 14th, 2010 4:04 PM

probably yes but it's too early to say... there are some factors that can also hinder the late noon naps.

Davonna - November 3rd, 2010 9:58 AM

It may be that she is getting ready for no naps or it could just be one of those phases they go through where their nap time gets crazy for a bit. My son is 18 months and he only takes one nap a day and sleeps for 1 and a half hours. It is all I can do to get him to take that one nap, lol. But unlike your daughter, he is very cranky if he doesnt get his nap. I would just wait it out a bit longer and see if she goes back to her original routine, if not then try a day without a nap and see how she does. You might find she does great but you might see that she does need at least that one hour to rest. If she does give up her nap completely, I would just try and make sure she still gets about an hour of down time. Maybe she could lay down and watch a movie for an hour or something like that just so she can rest a little bit. Good luck! : )

Dawne - November 3rd, 2010 9:59 AM

Each child is different, but most of the kids I know still need a nap at age 2. My daughter will be three on Saturday and she can go all day without a nap, but she is really tired in the evening and does better when she gets one. I would try moving the nap up a bit to see if she is ready earlier and maybe she just needs that hour. If we hit 3 and still haven't had a nap, we don't let her nap at all because she won't sleep that night.

dreamsNcolor - November 3rd, 2010 10:00 AM

I have no idea about naps, I think mine will nap forever. He is 13 months and everyone I know with a one year old only has one nap a day. Mine sleeps 7am to 7 pm and then naps form 10 till 12 and then from 2-3:30. I think it is too much but if he doesn't nap twice he is so grumpy!!!

Eatin_alwayz - November 3rd, 2010 10:01 AM

I will be honest and say at this age I just can't imagine a little one that age not napping. I think more a phase than anything else. Maybe she could try putting her down 30 mins earlier, sometimes when my little one is overtired he fights to nap more than he would had he gone down a little earlier.

EnergizerBunny - November 3rd, 2010 10:08 AM

I am experiencing the same. It takes so much effort to let my son take a nap (he's 2 and 8mos old). He's very active and hyper, sometimes he does not have a nap at all and sleeps earlier in the evening when he feels tired. So, what I do is scare him, just so he would take a nap... LOL


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